
Constructing Power Plants

Over the past 25 years Telemenia has constructed power plants in Israel, Africa and South America with a total output exceeding 750 MW.

The company provides a total EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) solution whilst also providing on-site supervision, managing and consultation services until commercial production begins and  the power plant ishanded over to the client.  

The accumulated experience of Telemenia’s engineers guarantee that its customers receive the most efficient planning in the shortest time possible while still being cost-effective and meeting all international and local standards. As part of its planning process, Telemenia includes the latest and most up-to-date systems in order to make plant operation and maintenance as easy as possible for the client.

Telemenia has working experience in complex regions and developing countries in locations such as Africa and South America. For example: An 80 MV power plant on the banks of the Amazon. As a result of Telemenia’s experience in these areas, Telemenia brings its unique expertise and high level of professionalism to each and every project the client.

Telemenia implements advanced technologies whilst adapting each solution to closely meet the client’s specific needs. Telemenia specializes in the establishment of power plants using natural gas and a wide variety of fuels whilst using open cycle cogeneration/tri-generation or combined cycle production technologies.

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